Excessive Workplace Stress: A Silent Killer

Excessive workplace stress puts employees’ health at risk

An employee of HDFC Bank in Lucknow died at workplace in 24 th September 2024 allegedly due to excessive work pressure. According to sources the employee Sadaf Fatima was on heavy work pressure. She was posted as deputy vice president at HDFC bank in Vibhuti Khan Branch of Lucknow. This incident raised question about the security in workplace of employees. This incident serves as a stark reminder that extreme work pressure can have severe consequences on the human body, potentially leading to fatal outcomes. 

Workplace stress is not new, but when it begins to affect the body, mind, and overall health, it becomes life-threatening. It is now one of the growing problems in the world. From 2022 survey report, 82 percent employees from Japan reported of being troubled in their workplaces. The main reasons of their stresses are the amount of work, unexpected liability and making mistakes. The 60 percent employees reported that they are suffering from stress and anxiety.


 Understand the work-related stress and its consequences in employees

There can be so many factors that have serious negative effects on the health of employees like stress, anxiety, depression, heath issues and so on. Stresses can be occasional or chronic but in most of the cases chronic.

Factors causing stresses in the work place 

  • Unrealistic demand
  • Long hours
  • High effort without reward
  • Stress from superiors
  • Improper or low salary structure 
  • Low job security
  • Uncooperative team members
  • Unhealthy competition
  • Unstable work environment
  • Insufficient training 
  • Harassment 

Effects of work place stress

The ability to handle stressful situation in workplace vary from one employee to another but employees and employers should be aware about all the signs of stresses, so they can handle or take preventive measures accordingly.

Physiological symptoms

  • Headache
  • Palpitation in heart 
  • Muscular cramps
  • Insomnia
  • Gastrointestinal issue
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain or weight loss

Psychological symptom

  •  Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Lack of concentration

Behavioural symptoms

  • Aggression
  • Isolation
  • Low work performance 
  • Disinterest
  • Frustration


 Data on death of employees due to work related stress

According to the joint estimates of WHO (World Health Organization) and ILO (International Labour Organization) approximately 1.9 million people died due to work related stress, injuries, disease in 2016.

  • Among all causes of death, 81 percent deaths were due to non-communicable disease in which 19 percent deaths was due to occupational injuries.
  • The majority of work-related deaths are due to cardiovascular and respiratory failure. 
  • Long working hours contributed to around 750,000 deaths, while air pollution exposure accounted for about 450,000 deaths globally in the workplace
  • A key finding of the report showed that working more than 55 hours per week increases the risk of stroke by 35% and heart disease by 17%

On this matter the Director General of WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said “It’s shocking to see so many people literally being killed by their jobs,”


Preventive measures employees can take 

  • Be aware of your stress: Recognize the signs of your stress like irritability, demotivation, headache, fatigue, low self-esteem etc.
  • Identify the stress factors in the work place: Identify the triggering factors like extra workload, deadlines, conflicts with team member etc.
  • Take corrective measures: Adjust your workload and communicate openly with supervisors.
  • Take time and try to find out the solutions: Allow yourself the necessary time and assess the problems for better solutions.
  • Balance of your work and personal life: Set boundaries between professional and personal life. So that your work pressure can’t affect your personal space and relationships.
  • Re-evaluate your negative thoughts: Try to be more optimistic. Challenge negative thoughts with positive affirmation.
  • Learn relaxation techniques: Yoga, meditation and exercise will help to release stress from mind and increase calmness in body.


Workplace stress management techniques an employee can follow

  • Try to take deep breaths to inhale more oxygen in your body
  • Try to be more calm and organised which will help you take appropriate actions in your workplace
  • Take a short break and go for a walk near to your working space. 5 to 10 minutes break can help you to relief from your stressful situation
  • Always take break from work whenever you feel needed.
  • Exercise, yoga and meditation help to reduce pressure, enhance energy, and increase calmness in serious situation
  • Maintain nutritious healthy diet for better health 


Latest corporate initiatives for Employee Stress Management 

When an employee is happy then the employer will be happy. We all know that when employees being well cared by the company then employees provide best outputs from their end. That is why it is essential for companies to take some initiatives for their employees for the well care of their employees’ physical and mental health. 

Here are the name of few companies that prioritizing the health of their employees and started several health and wellness support initiative 

  • Akamai’s Corporate Wellness Programme Manager
  • Barclays’ This Is Me 
  • Bell’s Let’s Talk Day 
  • Microsoft’s Microsoft Cares
  • Pinterest’s Pinside Out 

The present corporate situation of Japan that is Karoshi or Over work due to death is under critical examination. To reduce work place stress, several companies started health wellness initiatives especially mental health awareness programmes or four days work in week to reform working style or flexible working hours.